An Advisory Board is hereby established to assist the governing body with the use of “Gift Funds” received by the City of Stockton from “Source Documents.”

“Gift Funds” shall be described as monies donated to the City of Stockton, usually via a will or similar bequest.

“Source Document” shall be described as the will or bequest providing for the donation of funds to the City of Stockton.

(Ord. 1504; Code 2015)

The Gift Funds Advisory Board shall consist of five (5) members to be appointed by the governing body of the City for a term of three (3) years. To provide consistency, the initial members to the Advisory Board shall be appointed for staggered terms as follows:

1-year term – One Board member

2-year term – Two Board members

3-year term – Two Board members

Thereafter as each initial board member’s term expires, new members will be appointed for three (3) year terms.

(Ord. 1504; Code 2015)

The Gift Funds Advisory Board shall not have the authority to grant or enter into contracts, direct actions or in any other manner obligating the City of Stockton. Board members shall:

(a)   Become familiar with fund use criteria stated in the source document and/or instructions and guidelines provided by the governing body;

(b)   Evaluate community needs and desires;

(c)   Develop project proposals to fill community needs that are consistent with fund use criteria;

(d)   Determine amount of funds available for each proposed project;

(e)   Recommend worthy, achievable projects to the governing body for approval and implementation;

(f)   Advise governing body regarding investment of gift funds where applicable;

(g)   Provide other input to the governing body as appropriate.  

(Ord. 1504; Code 2015)

Board Meetings shall be scheduled by the chairperson and notice shall be provided to Board members at least one week prior to the meeting. Meetings will be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order as amended by the Board to suit its needs.

Written records of all meetings, adequate to support recommendations to the governing body, will be maintained. Records maintained should provide Board members adequate information to determine funds available to accomplish recommended projects.

The Board chairperson shall present recommended projects to the governing body for their approval and implementation action.

(Ord. 1504; Code 2015)

(a)   Olive Reed Schaefer Estate

(b)   Pearl McMillen

(c)   Other funds as assigned from time to time by the governing body.

(Ord. 1504; Code 2015)